The allergy season is here again, and you are experiencing fatigue, brain fog, and mood changes. Why is this happening and what would give you relief?  

There are 4 main mechanisms through which your immune system can make you tired.

  1. Immune Response - During allergy season, your immune system is in an almost constant state of overactivation as it works to fight off allergens. When allergens are introduced into your body, the immune system reacts by creating large amounts of histamine to fight off the invaders. The more constant the exposure, the more relentlessly your body works to repel the threat.
  1. Inflammation - When the histamine released into your system reacts to fight off allergens, it causes inflammation throughout your body. During an inflammatory response, immune cells called macrophages produce free radicals (reactive oxygen species) to fight off the invading allergens.  Under normal circumstances, inflammation goes away after the immune system eliminates the trigger and repairs the damaged tissue. However, a disturbance in the balance between the production of free radicals and antioxidant defenses will damage healthy cells, leading to oxidative stress. This produces more free radicals that can lead to chronic inflammation creating a vicious cycle. Your cells are the source of energy in your body, so when inflammation prevents them from functioning properly, you become fatigued.
  1. Sleep disruption - When you don’t get a good night’s sleep, you feel drained for most of the day. Allergies can cause sleep troubles in several ways. While you are    sleeping, a stuffy or runny nose, coughing, and throat clearing will disturb a good night’s rest. That is, if you can get to sleep at all! Restorative sleep has an anti-inflammatory effect while interrupted, non-restorative sleep causes more inflammation. In response, adrenal glands will release cortisol that further disrupts your sleep and tilts your immune system toward a Th2 immune upregulation, associated with the promotion of IgE antibodies and eosinophilic responses characteristic of allergy and atopy. Additionally, allergies can worsen existing sleep conditions, such as apnea. A proper diagnosis for any sleep disorders is key to fighting off allergy fatigue.
  1. Sinus Pressure. People with allergies often experience brain fog. One reason for this is pressure build-up in your sinus cavities. Allergy affected patients suffer from so much pain and pressure in their heads that it becomes hard to concentrate on even some basic tasks.

What can you do to fight allergy fatigue?

  1. Get a proper diagnosis - Knowing what you’re allergic to is most of the battle. We recommend getting a comprehensive environmental and food IgE antibody blood panel, which can identify a larger number of allergens. Testing serum IgE antibodies is less invasive, and it doesn’t cause an allergic response.
  1. Use non-drowsy herbal formulas to control the inflammatory response. A personalized treatment plan can relieve many of your symptoms. We recommend Mast Cell Assist, a targeted blend of bioflavonoids, antioxidants, proteolytic enzymes, micronutrients and botanicals, designed to provide comprehensive support for individuals with immune imbalances caused by environmental allergens. The powerful ingredients included in this formula actively promote healthy nasal and sinus passages for individuals with elevated histamine and respiratory irritation, while helping to optimize cell function and increase energy naturally.
  • Quercetin stabilizes mast cells, diminishing the release of histamine, the compound known to cause hypersensitivity reactions during seasonal changes. It has strong antioxidant activity and supports immune health by mediating the release of inflammatory compounds including leukotrienes and prostaglandins.
  • Stinging Nettles Leaf Extract has been shown to balance immune response, specifically in the airways and nasal passages, as well as to stabilize a variety of inflammatory activities that affect respiratory health.
  • Bromelain is a proteolytic (protein-digesting) enzyme that aids in the breakdown of large protein complexes, including antigenic compounds, and has been shown to enhance the absorption of quercetin and to reduce circulating allergenic protein complexes associated with hyper-immune sensitivity and seasonal discomfort.
  • Vitamin C is an essential vitamin because it cannot be synthesized by humans and is therefore an essential nutrient that must be consumed in the diet. Vitamin C supports the immune system and is also a potent antioxidant and has the ability to deactivate histamine. When the body is under a significant amount of stress, vitamin C is excreted rapidly.
  1. For allergies induced by dietary peptides use these formulas:
  • Pancreas HistX provides a mixture of proteolytic enzymes and bioflavonoids that help regulate the immune cytokine response. Quercetin is a powerful bioflavonoid that protects cells and tissues against free radicals. Bromelain, papain, and pancreatin provide a mixture of protein-specific and other enzymes that help ensure proper breakdown of protein molecules that may otherwise cause irritation. Vitamin C, buffered with magnesium to eliminate acidity, supports histamine metabolism, detoxification processes, and collagen synthesis.
  • HistaGest-DAO provides supplemental diamine oxidase (DAO), the enzyme responsible for breaking down food-derived histamine, to help support normal and healthy histamine metabolism. Histamine is a bioactive compound produced in the body in response to an injury or the presence of foreign substances and is present in all foods in the diet in various degrees. Some foods are known to be high in histamines, such as fermented foods and alcoholic beverages. Lower DAO activity may result in higher levels of histamine being absorbed through the small intestine and accumulating in the blood. Taking HistaGest-DAO with every meal increases the amount of DAO enzyme in the small bowel, which improves the breakdown of histamine in the digestive tract and soothe digestive discomfort associated with sensitivity to histamine-rich foods.
  1. Clean your indoor environment - using air purifiers is another great tool. Reducing your exposure to allergy triggers is key to alleviating your symptoms. Using a purifier with a good quality filter will help reduce the number of airborne allergens circulating. Keep the purifier by your favorite seat, close to your bed, or near the source of the allergens.
  1. Clean your body - showering before bed can help with sleep. Not only can a hot shower be relaxing, but it also aids in opening your sinuses. It also washes away any allergens clinging to your skin or hair.