Integrative Functional Medicine & Acupuncture Center

Betaine HCL w/Pepsin & Gentian
PATIENT ONLY STORE Apex Energetics, Ortho Molecular & Xymogen
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Betaine HCL w/Pepsin & Gentian

other size available: 
225 Capsules

Millions of Americans suffer from indigestion, heartburn, gas, bloating, digestive pain, and discomfort. Although there are numerous OTC medications to deal with these symptoms, ignoring the symptoms, or only treating the symptoms can be detrimental to your overall health in the long term. Many of these symptoms are an indication of an underlying problem in terms of your GI tract. The inability to digest food and to obtain the nutrients from your food can harm your health in the long term.

  • Maintains a healthy pH in stomach and small intestine
  • Promotes protein digestion
  • Enhances mineral and Vitamin B12 absorption

Betaine HCl Pepsin & Gentian Root is a combination of nutrients that may be beneficial for promoting healthy digestion when taken at the start of a meal.

Gentian, a bitter herbal, combines with Betaine HCl to help maintain a healthy pH in the stomach, supporting normal protein digestion, mineral, small intestine pH, and B12 absorption.

Pepsin is the chief digestive enzyme in the stomach, which breaks down proteins into polypeptides.

Pure uncut Pepsin is the preferred form and free of lactose, which may aggravate digestive complaints in lactose-sensitive individuals.

Betaine HCI Pepsin Gentian Root Extract is often taken with Pancreatic Enzymes.

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